Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Addendum to "Four Kinds of Pain"

After I entered my previous post, I clicked on my church's link at the left. I found an old sermon... I was out of town at Mid-Year when it was preached so maybe it's a good thing I didn't find it until today. I've inserted the link below that goes directly to the sermon but I'll give you the excerpts that really hit home:

"I read a devotion yesterday in the Our Redeemer--Chugiak newsletter. Kaylene Johnson is a member and professional writer who shares a devotional in every newsletter. Yesterday I read about her efforts to learn to skate ski (cross country ski). She shared her frustrations and failures. But, the day it kicked in she figured something out, when she looked at her skis, she got confused and fell. But, when she looked at the horizon, she was able to ski. In other words, focusing on herself caused failure. Looking at herself created doubts and problems. Focusing on the goal helped.

When we focus on our weaknesses, our lack of resources, our lack of knowledge, our plentiful sin, we are sure to doubt our ability just as Peter may have. So, when Jesus calls us to serve him, we may even doubt God, and it becomes easy not to even try. But, when we look at him..."

It goes on to talk about Peter's ministry. How Jesus asked him to do alot more that he might've figured he was able to do. But he did it. He sucked it up for Jesus (as I like to say) and followed Him. "It wasn't that Peter had faith in his ability. It wasn't that Peter even knew where he was going. Peter only knew the man he was following, and he trusted that man... That is what faith is, following Jesus into the unknown. ...Peter followed, not because he knew where Jesus was leading all the time, but because he trusted Jesus. That is the only reason we can follow too. And He has ministry out there larger than we can handle, but not larger than Him, or His love, not larger than His forgiveness, not larger than His power."

I think that's my answer. I've been focusing too much on myself and my abilities to grow this youth group spiritually and in attendance... I've forgotten the reason I'm here and who is really in charge of it all.


m as in mollie said...

jamie, i love you and i'll pray for you. satan attacks us so personally and in so many different ways that it's hard to keep focused on the goal. the good news is that satan's been defeated (and in two weeks the entire christian world will remind him of that fact!) and even when we lose focus Christ forgives us and brings us back to him. don't get down on yourself, focus on the task at hand. you're a great dce, a great friend and because of Jesus' sacrifice the best christian you'll ever be so live it up! you're in my prayers chica! love, mollie