Monday, April 16, 2007

Busy-ness & Birthdays

Yesterday was one of those crazy-busy days where I didn't even have time to eat until 5:45pm. Amidst all the craziness that is the normal Confirmation Sunday it was also Communion Sunday AND Children's Church too. Thank God for wonderful fantastic roommates who constantly bail you out of sticky situations-- I think I'll keep her around a bit longer! Plus the youth I'm mentoring at the Alaska Military Youth Academy (a challenge program ran by the National Guard to motivate the unmotivated) graduated from her 2 weeks of basic training too. I'm incredibly proud of her for choosing to make a change in her life and she looks like she's doing fantastic and enjoying herself as much as humanly possible too!

Anywho, Saturday was spent working (I do that a lot!) and then spent the afternoon/evening with him out on the town. Sunday was his big 2-5 but since I knew I'd be so crazy busy, I reserved him for Saturday night instead. What we did was supposed to be a surprise... Well, it seems as though I'm a bit more predictable than I had originally thought. He knew precisely where we were going and what we were doing basically the whole night. So much for surprising the one you love, eh?

Regardless we had a good time dinnering at Orso's and seeing "STOMP" at the Atwood Concert Hall. And, you know, despite the horrifically high seating I bought us it was an amazing show. These folks are so talented and riveting... I mean, I can bang on a trashcan with the best of them but nothing like that! I don't remember it being as good or as interactive when I saw it in high school. Nevertheless, the boy really enjoyed it and sounds as if he'll be stealing some of their ideas for his classes next year, though I'm fairly sure there's some sort of copyright infringement issues there.

So, he turned OLD without a big event or anything horrible happening-- minus one flat tire. And the best part? I get to make fun of him for being old for at least the next 3 months... because that's when I turn old too. Eek.

Nothing terribly entertaining or witty in this post. Sorry to disappoint. Must get back to work.