Thursday, June 22, 2006

Beauty & The Beastly Life

I took this picture about 2 months ago and decided that it might just be good enough to get matted and framed. Well, I picked up the completed picture yesterday and it turned out to be beautiful!! And I honestly don't think I'm saying that simply because I took the picture but it's amazing how much a good frame can change the whole look of the piece.

The beauty of this land around me continues to amaze me day after day. Things here are never the same two days in a row. When it's raining, like it is today, I often find myself indoors looking out a window wondering what tomorrow will be like.

Sometimes, I think we need to do that for ourselves. What I mean is this: When things are kinda drizzly and gross in our lives we need to step outside ourselves, take a good look at who and where we are, and look forward to what tomorrow will bring. Reflecting on the past year, many of us will note the bad times-- the break-ups, the roommate issues, money problems, schedule stresses, lack of friends, lack of time, unanswered prayers, etc-- but how many of us honestly remember the good times? Those times when the coffee guy smiles at you in that oh-so-adorable way? Those times when you realize just how much you really do love your job? Those times when you get a surprise package in the mail? Those times when you find a really good article or book to read? Those times when you feel closest to God?

Yes, bad things do happen but God gives us beauty to experience in every day. We just have to remember to focus on the good.


hannah said...

A beautiful picture (that's now my background!) and a great post Jamie. I needed the reminder. Remind me to tell you about my epiphany.

hope today is fabulous!

hannah said...

P.S. you are a fabulous writer. I wish you'd do more of it!!