Friday, September 18, 2009


... in more ways than one!

The Bad Version:
Yesterday I found out that I got kicked out of grad school. Awesome, huh?

One minute I'm doing awesome, writing & reading posts, listening to a lecture, writing a paper... and then NOTHING. No more class on my Blackboard menu. So I frantically email the god-dess of the ORGL program who quickly checks and emails me back that I have a "Registered Not Paid" hold on my accounts. Of course, this is after 5pm PCT so I have to wait until this morning.

[And by "wait" I mean totally and utterly fret about it all freakin' night... Sorry, honey!]

Fast-forward to this morning when I finally get ahold of the not-empathetic-in-the-least accounts person who told me that its because I never opened my bill. That I was sent an email 9/11 saying I was to be booted if I didn't pay-- an email I literally never received! [INSERT SCREAM HERE]

So, long story shorter: The fine print in the bill says "If you're paying by financial aid email us here to tell us so."

Moral of the story: Even though the school knows you're paying with financial aid (and actually have the money sitting there in their office) they can't disburse it until you email the monkey in the accounts office. Blech.

The Good Version:
Philip & I will celebrate our 1st Anniversary by escaping for the weekend!
Burt, Kena & Tink are kicking us out of the house for the weekend so we can spend tonight in Girdwood and a night in Anchorage after seeing the Lion King at the Performing Arts Center... AND I'm skipping out on church!! Woot! Now, I know that sounds bad-- we're still going to a church just not St John-- so it'll be a nice break from the norm and I'll actually get to enjoy worship :)

Sunday is the official anniversary so we'll make some dinner at home, eat our sure-to-be-yummy-year-old cake and drink some champagne. Love!

...Then at 6am Monday morning I report to the hospital to have my gall bladder removed. Gee... what a nice end to a great weekend ;)