Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Procrastination: It's a gift!

A special shout-out to the one and only Spode for enabling me to participate in one of my favorite activities-- procrastination. Oh yes. Real friends let friends procrastinate. So here we go-- six weird things about me:

  1. From the age of 6 until the age of 18, I subscribed to "Log Home" magazine and was an avid watcher of "This Old House" and "New Yankee Workshop". Sometimes, I still tune in.
  2. I hate carrots. I think they're gross and they make me want to vomit.
  3. I know every single word to Veruca Salt's song in "Willy Wonka"...
    Daddy, I want a goose. Gooses, geeses. I want my goose to lay golden eggs for Easter. Least a hundred a day. And by the way...
  4. It is simply impossible for me to sleep with my closet doors open... but my bedroom door has to remain open at all times.
  5. Up until the moment I came out, my parents thought I was a boy. They hadn't even chosen a name for a girl, so basically their reaction was, "Crap! Now what are we going to do?!"
  6. When I was 3 years old, I began sleeping with a stuffed pig. I still sleep with him.
So there you have it folks. Six weird things about me-- Now it's YOUR turn :)

Tag--> Kristy, Mel, Philip, April and Susie


lubke-moss said...

Though I should never admit to this, I still sleep with Suzie Bear....and I'm married. Yeah, now who's weird?! :)

The most interesting thing - carrots make you want to vomit! :) I don't know why that's funny.

Have a great weekend Jamie!