Friday, June 15, 2007

Taking The Plunge

Faith is a strange thing. It's not sensible and it's not even realistic. To believe in something you cannot see, is frankly a ridiculous feat. Yet, faith is something I have. Somewhere inside my heart admist the doubt and self-deprication, lies this inate feeling that someone bigger than me love me to death (literally). And even though it's not sensible or realistic, it is something very real. Thus I have taken a leap of faith-- a leap of financial faith to be specific. I've done something that makes me nervous and excited and anxious all at the same time. I've registered to go to Greece & The Holy Land for 10 days this November. Really, the trip was one I couldn't pass up. It's someplace I've always wanted to go and it's happening at a time when I think I could use this "renewal" the most, plus the price makes it a once-in-a-lifetime event. (Besides, I might even try to squeeze in a Thanksgiving weekend with my folks in California prior to jetting back to the 907.) So, the purpose of this blog is to request prayers for finances to come through and for the destination to remain at peace. YAY!


hannah said...

Good For You! B and Mike are going there for their honeymoon. You'll have to swap notes on facebook when they return.

Miss you, heart you, etc.