Monday, October 08, 2007

Are you happy?

"The question has so many facets," Spoda says. And it's honestly a question most of us have to think about before we're able to answer it. There are many things I'm not happy about in my life but there are many more things with which I'm very happy. Here are just a few...

  • My Alaskan Moms. I have many and I love each and every one of them for watching out for me these past few years. They continue to keep me in check and have (recently) gotten on me about my overly hectic schedule (see below) and my ability to enjoy life outside of high school, middle school and elementary kiddos.
  • The Boy. Tomorrow we'll celebrate 9 months together. We don't get to see each other as often as I would like but the time we do spend is great. As I told a concerned friend last night, this has been the most honest relationship I've ever had. Yes, there have been many-a-high-maintenance-girlfriend moments I'm sure he loathes (I loathe them!) but I usually keep those doubts and concerns festering inside my head and heart. The mere fact that I have the ability to talk to him about it is a wonderful break. There are some things I want for our relationship that have yet to be realized (no, more than just that) but hopefully those will come soon. Besides, I'm on his list so I figured he ought to be on mine.
  • My folks. I think I talk to them more than I have ever before in my life. Especially my dad. Growing up he was always working and never really around all that much so I never got the chance to be the daddy's girl every girl wants to be. But now our relationship is growing and that's great. I'm terribly excited about visiting with them over the Thanksgiving holiday AND shopping with my mom and sister the day after. I was hoping the boy would be able to interact with them over that weekend too but he won't be making the trip. Maybe you, dear Blogstalker, can convince him it's an important step... and for those of you who know my parents can let him know they're not so scary.
  • The kids. I spend a lot of time with them and prepping for that time spent with them. I love them so much and value my relationship with them. God has truly blessed me and this church with a great group of kids.
  • The gym. Some of the time I procrastinate going, other times I can't find the time to go but I love going to the gym. I like getting sweaty and gross. (I don't like the abnormal numbers of old men at the gym but c'est la vie!) Plus it feels good. There haven't been many results as of late-- hopefully due to the thyroid & blood sugar issues-- but hopefully that changes soon.
  • Pajamas. Whether they're my beloved original moose pants, my new pink moose set or my pig capris, I love jammies.


Moose-Tipping said...

1. I am not afraid of your parents. In fact, parents usually LOVE me. I'm just afraid of the $700 it would cost to get me down there for three days... especially considering I'll be shelling out close to $1000 to go home for Christmas. But you already know that. :)

2. I'm not so sure how I feel about being listed alongside pajamas.

3. Happy early 9-month. Shall I bring a brown paper bag tomorrow to help you reenact your pre-first-date hyperventilation? ;)

hannah said...

A)What's $700.00 in the course of a lifetime? Pennies!

B)Pajamas Rule. You should be LUCKY to be listed next to pajamas.

C) I totally thought you were bringing a brown paper bag containing something other than air. :)

Jamie Lynn said...

My Hannah is funny.

Dutch not German is said...

A) Dude, her parents pay for stuff and they are way fun. Totally worth the $700.

B) I would have put the PJs over any boy, but that's just me.

c) I remember that hyperventilation well. Just think of her panic-y makes me miss her more.