Tuesday, September 30, 2008

When All Is Said & Done...

I can't believe how quickly time has flown by these last 6+ months. It seems like just yesterday Philip was surprising me in Hatcher Pass with a gorgeous ring. Then again it was just last week that another ring was added to the first...

Happily, we've survived the first 10 days of marriage. Our honeymoon in Hope & Homer was wonderful. We went kayaking in Homer but are unable to prove it since we didn't take a camera along. We actually met up with a lot of folks during our honeymoon-- many, MANY people on the day after for lunch... Philip's friends in Hope... Dr & Mrs Carper and Jeff in Homer... and Brent, Michele & Grant, Brad and Steve in Homer too. Seems funny to hang out with family & friends on your honeymoon but it was worth it and fantastic to spend more time with the folks who came so far to celebrate with us.

Now we're back home. I'm still in the process of moving. I've made 5 or 6 trips thus far and probably still have 2-3 to go. (Isn't it amazing the amount of crap you accumulate in nearly 3 years in the same place?!) It's getting awfully crowded in our tiny, unorganized kitchen... I tackled the bathroom linen closet last night and will do the same to the kitchen probably Thursday. Whew! Even a Type-A like me hesitates to organize all the stuff we have! Yikes!

If you're interested in pictures, there's OODLES being posted on Facebook. We'll post our professional pictures (or at least a link) as soon as we get them in a couple weeks. Otherwise you can check out Hannah and Julianna's blogs for fun videos that account their trip up here.


hannah said...


I'm excited for this.

It was so great to see you in person and spend time in your fabulous state. I think Alaska's gotten in my blood!

New Orleans this summer? Yes?