Monday, December 08, 2008

Recent Successes

  1. I made really, REALLY yummy chicken breasts on Friday (followed by a bland meatloaf yesterday...)
  2. I got a 75% on my MAT despite not knowing anything about the presidents (which, honestly, I never learned*), the periodic table (which was memorized at one point... about 9 years ago!) or random very large vocabulary words (none of which can I recount to you)
  3. My car actually passed the IM test... this after having his transmission EXPLODE (yes, really) in May and having his hub assemblies and ball joints replaced three weeks ago. 
  4. We got our Christmas picture taken, cards ordered, and letter written (However, still no thank-you notes have been sent...) PLUS all purchased Christmas gifts are now wrapped and awaiting boxes large enough for shipping. 
  5. I've currently got everything in my admissions file for grad school EXCEPT the letter of intent which I continue to struggle with writing.
  6. AND, I got a really cute haircut (see picture) Sure it's curled in this photo and it's not usually that way but that's all the pictures I have of it now unless you look really closely at our Christmas picture seen above :)

*If you don't believe me, ask my mom. She agrees.


Ingrid said...

Sister...yeah, great hair cut! You are beautiful!!!

hannah said...

very cute haircut! And congrats on the good test score! Ps your Christmas pic is super cute!

When do we get to hang out again?

Moose-Tipping said...

It's really sad that the first word that hits me when I read this blog entry is "breasts".

That is all.