Thursday, December 04, 2008

Update, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blog, Blah, Blah, Blah

Yes, I realize my "turkey post" doesn't actually qualify as a blog. Thanks for the reminder, Hannie. Geesh.

Things lately have been a bit crazy.

  • Black Friday shopping was fruitful. Got everyone done except for the hard-to-buy-for-hannah-and-jules. Yes, I said DONE. I'm going to wrap presents this weekend (or maybe today?) so I can send them all to their respective places... most of which, though, I'll be sending to Florida. We leave in 17 days to meet the fam (mom, dad, erin, uncle john, jody, sarah, tracy, uncle joe, aunt kathy and JEFF) for Christmas. Can't wait :)

  • Housesitting is okay. It's not the funnest uprooting your life to go watch someone else's... and throw in 17 extra dogs too! But we're done on Sunday. On a different note, we just asked someone to house/dogsit for us while we're in Florida. C'est la vie!
  • Tired of my hair, I got a haircut this morning. Decided I wanted one last night, made an appointment for 10am, printed off a picture of Mandy Moore (don't I wish!?!) and headed to the salon. $40 later it's cute. Oh yeah. (Picture to come as soon as I find an SD drive...)

Other than that, not much is going on. Hopefully tonight the hubs and I can round up our two pooches to take the obligatory Christmas picture so we can FINALLY order cards before Christmas actually rolls around.

Hope this suffices Hannah's needs.


hannah said...

thanks for the update! I like pj pants. Also why is JEFF in all caps? JEFF who?

Jamie Lynn said...

Jeff Walters... Philip's brother... I'm not sure why I caps-locked him... oh well...

hannah said...

That's way fun. Too bad Jules doesn't still live down in Florida ;)