Friday, March 20, 2009


So back in September when I make the yearly calendar with the kiddos, they convinced me to do Breakfast Bible Study with them twice a month. Yes, breakfast, as in before school. 6:30am to be exact. It's a crazy hour of the morning especially considering I have to leave my house at 5am to be at church to have breakfast ready for them when they walk in.

Believe it or not, I've never been stood up. I've had one kid show up a coupla times but other than that they've impressed me. We eat, do a devo, pray and I take them to school. Lately though I've run into a dilemma. I'm running out of new things to make! My ol' fall back is my Grandma's Easter Casserole (eggs, bacon, sausage, cheese-- YUM!) but then I rotate from waffles to crepes to pancakes to cinnamon rolls (from a can so don't be impressed)... ugh... boring.

Then today I found this:

I think I might have to test this on the hubs tomorrow before I make it for the kids on Tuesday.
P.S. My friend Tia is toying with the idea of bacon cupcakes... also intruiging!


Moose-Tipping said...

Mmmm... bacon...

I've actually seen bacon waffles before (at that amazing breakfast place I was telling you about, the one in Ashland, OR?). I've toyed around with the idea of making them... just never got around to it.

hannah said...

You could always have a "make your own omelet" morning. :)

Alaska Bean said...

When we had the entire family up we did a french toast casserole, lay a bunch of texas toast in a deep dish, overlapping and then pour eggs with a tiny bit of milk and then put a bunch of syrup over it, bake and voila, yummy breakfast!