Tuesday, October 19, 2004

It's been two weeks and things are still going well. My first official confirmation lesson is tomorrow so we'll see how that goes with the 30-some-odd children I have in my class.

Other than that, things in the Great Land are going well. I truly am enjoying myself. Right now we're in the midst of an amazingly busy two weeks. I'm busy every night this week with church things (home visits, meetings, bible study, youth activities) not to mention the piles of things entering my office on a daily basis for the Auction to occur on November 6th. It's a good thing but you know how I am about clutter... EEK!

I got some bad news yesterday about my friend Sue from back home in St Louis. She passed away yesterday as a result of a bad car accident in which she failed to wear her seat belt. Pray for her family and friends. (PLEASE WEAR YOUR SEAT BELTS!! I DON'T WANT MORE BAD NEWS!!)

Personal life is going well. My prayers for a cure from my loneliness have been answered and I couldn't be happier. My friend April is coming home this weekend from Montana so maybe I could squeeze-in seeing her sometime on Saturday.

If you want to know anything else about my oh-so-exciting existence in Alaska, call or email me.
