Wednesday, May 18, 2005

On a Halloween Night...

Have you heard Martina McBride's new song? It talks about this little boy, Will, who isn't like the other kids. He has to wear braces on his legs. He can't talk that well. He doesn't know who his father is and his mom has to work two jobs to handle all their bills-- medical and otherwise. The thing about Will is that he doesn't see these things. I'm sure he realizes he's disabled but he doesn't focus on it. He focuses on laughter and activities and friendships and prayer. Martina goes on to tell us that this little boy, this seemingly insignificant child, changed the life of the author of this song. Will showed her God.

Every time I hear this song, I think about Cameron. Cameron is a little boy in our congregation who due to the stupidity of several doctors and a hospital has been severly disabled since birth. Looking at him, you can see that he can't walk or talk that well... but that smile... that smile lights up my heart. When I see Cameron, give him a high-five, everything that doesn't make sense in my life, everything that's painful goes away. The things I have experienced in my life-- playing soccer, climbing mountains, singing, chatting-- are things Cameron will probably never experience. But he has the most important thing a human could ever have-- the light of Christ. And it's the sweetest light I have ever seen.

So thinking about Cameron makes my worries disappear. Who am I to worry about my future? Cameron knows he belongs to God and that's enough. Who am I to get angry about words said without thought? Cameron speaks the word of God with every fiber of his being. Who am I? I know I am not Cameron. Yes, I can strive to be like him. But I'm set in my ways. I like to worry about things. I like to think ahead and plan. I know it's sinful (I never said I wasn't!) but I wouldn't be who I am if these things didn't occur in my life. I thank God for Cameron and for the light He's given him, but, honestly, I thank Him for making me me.

Prayer Request: David is taking his physical exam for entry into the Air Force tomorrow morning. He'll be going into Anchorage tonight to spend the night for the early morning appointment. Simply pray that God's will be done for him in his life. Then also give us the courage to talk about what'll happen when he leaves come October.