Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Not your usual post...

Every week I get an email from a company called Youth Specialties-- they send some great stuff but the thing I enjoy most about their emails is the "Links" section. Usually it includes a couple fun-for-procrastinating game links (many of which I have 'favorited') and a couple interesting articles. This is one of the latter.

Mark Penn makes a living by focusing on the smaller things in life-- the 1% of Californian youngsters who want to be military snipers, the purchase of fashion yarn has increased 56% in one year, the lack of math majors at Yale and Harvard... etc. (My personal favorite is the 22% of the high-earning population have either a rose or a tiger tattooed on their touckis.) What's interesting about Penn's book is how he connects all of this to the change in politics, and more specifically, voters.

He says that the views of our voting society are moving from a character-driven to a stance-driven viewpoint. Honestly, I have to agree. The things I usually follow in any political race are the issues, not the people and I think many of y'all do that as well. I'm not tempted to vote for a person simply because he/she is Republican or Democratic or whatever. But if they support legalizing gay marriage or abortion you better believe they won't be punched on my voting card.

What do you think about Penn's findings?


lubke-moss said...

Jamie, I like the new blog look! It's very "Alaskany". :)

I'm so tempted to make a political comment just to spite Julianna, but I'll contain myself. :) See, Jules, I could have.. but i didn't!

I agree with you, though. I'm all about the stances.

Moose-Tipping said...

I'm an issues person, but if they're a jerk, I ain't voting for 'em no matter if they've got the ideals of a saint.

Also, this is your weekly reminder to blog more. :)
