Friday, December 14, 2007

Dear Santa...

On Wednesday I asked my kids about some of the things they had on their Christmas lists this year-- 4 of the 5 had NEVER made a list. That is ridiculous. Who doesn't make a list? It's like the Ultimate Hint Guide for those of your friends & family who stress over getting something you'll love. So, in an effort to help some of you last minute shoppers, here are some of the things from my Ultimate Hint Guide...

Bear in mind, procrastinating friends, that online orders need to be made by Monday! Oh, and if I bought you a gift, you should be getting it Monday.

On a side note: I've been in a "I'm-sick-of-my-hair-so-I-want-to-chop-it-off" mood lately and thought about this cut...

Yes, it's Katie Holmes, but that's not the point. I think her hair is cute, if a bit short? What do you think? Yes? No?


Moose-Tipping said...

It's a bit "Jackie Onassis" with a modern flair... don't know if I like it or not...

And see, now I feel that if I get you something from the list, I've somehow cheated. Dangit.

Jamie Lynn said...

If you thought about it before I listed it, then it's not cheating. It's simply a reinforced good idea. How's that?

Moose-Tipping said...

But I didn't think about it before...

...uhm... I mean... YEAH I DID! :)

hannah said...

I think you should photo shop your head into the photo so we can get the full effect.