Monday, March 31, 2008

Can you ever just be whelmed?

A lot can change in just a week's time. This time last week none of this was on my mind. Now all I can think about are reception sites, flowers, invitations, dresses, guests and cake. We even began registering at a number of places including Bed, Bath & Beyond, REI and Pampered Chef!

Holy crap I'm getting married...

The checklist we've been using from has A LOTTA THINGS on it... most of which are "overdue" since we're having such a "quick" engagement. According to this little piece of pape, in the next month we're supposed to...

  • Interview caterers, decide on a caterer, work on a menu, sign a contract & send deposit
  • Interview & price-list photographers, reserve photographer, decide on package, sign contract & send deposit
  • Begin looking for a baker, book a baker, choose cake design & send deposit
  • Interview florists, choose a florist & send deposit
  • Browse styles of dresses online, try them on, narrow down choices and purchase.
All of this (and much, MUCH more) is accompanied by little tiny red exclamation points.

Holy crap I'm getting married...

I've given Philip the jobs of music & photography, though he's already done much more than that. The day after we got engaged he called the Motherlode Lodge to check their availability for a private reception! And right this very minute he's purchasing music for the brass quintet we'll have play at the ceremony... He's on top of things... and I'm not going to complain. After all, how long can this last?!

Right now the only thing holding us back from officially setting the September 20th date is the fact that the Motherlode is closed for a family emergency. After we get that booked, it'll all be good... well, mostly. It'll be good as long as 60% of our guest list decides not to come. You see, the Motherlode can only hold 150 and our list is 252 people long (including those horrible "plus one" invites for all our single friends). It'll all work out in the end, I'm sure.

My mom has purchased tickets to come up here for the weekend so we can shop for THE DRESS together at least once. It was quite the expense I'm sure but, as she says, "I'm paying for a wedding!"

Holy crap I'm getting married...

My bridesmaids are in the process of perusing tea-length brown dresses. Their only guidance from me is "same length, same color". Really that's all I care about. I think, in general, the feel for the wedding I'm envisioning is "rustic elegance", which might include things like...
Any tips, comments, suggestions or antecdotes are welcome as we continue on this journey. As for a "wedding blog" I'm not sure that'll happen unless my fiance sets that up :)


brnh said...

I'd say you're doing pretty good. I didn't do a majority of planning for my June wedding until January (lots of thinking, not much concrete). It's like a lot of things, you fill up the time you've got. It's hard to remember in the stress of it all, but it's supposed to be fun. And even if everything falls apart (which it won't), you still end up married. Is that too cheesy?

brnh said...

PS Did you know that you can be just whelmed? It happens in Moby Dick--the waves whelm or something.

Moose-Tipping said...

And that's the part she left off-- every now and then, when we are worrying about not having a reception site or the color of the groomsmen's bowties (or "euro ties") or what to put on the cake or if we forgot anybody from our list... we look at each other and realize, when it all comes down to it, we're still going to be married as of September 21.


hannah said...

Jamie J-

I notice that a lot of things on your list have to do with "SEND DEPOSIT"

That's probably the biggest kicker right there. Last week you didn't even have to worry about it. This week, lots of money due. Yikes.

hannah said...

What about a honeymoon?

Moose-Tipping said...

Leave the honeymoon planning to me, Hannah Lou. If Jamie's excited about the wedding, I'm equally as excited about the honeymoon. And not JUST for the reason you think... though there is definitely some of that involved. ;)