Friday, August 22, 2008


Caution: The blog that follows contains a rant I've been waiting several years to write. Just so you know, "AGF" stands for the Alaska Gouge Factor-- something all Alaskans deal with on a daily basis.

Do you know what I hate? Companies who don't know the difference between "Continental" and "Contiguous".


I hate it when companies offer "FREE SHIPPING within the continental United States" and then charge me more because I live in Alaska. )*(&*%^$% You said FREE SHIPPING...

ALASKA IS FREAKING PART OF THE SAME FREAKING CONTINENT YOU ARE!!! We are not an island, we are not our own country and we are certainly NOT located next to Hawaii!

Now, there are those companies who, in the fine print, say "Except Alaska and Hawaii". While I mostly hate them too, I can expect them to overcharge me. My big problem is with the companies who don't have this disclaimer on their website.

"FREE SHIPPING within the continental United States" by definition, includes the State of Alaska, which contrary to popular map-makers belief, IS attached to the North American continent. The word these utterly inane companies is looking for is "Contiguous". If you want to charge Alaskans more use CONTIGUOUS not continental.

Continental (adj): of or pertaining to the continent of North America.
Contiguous (adj): touching, in contact; in close proximity.



hannah said...

Wow. That's quite ranty of you.

Moose-Tipping said...

What she failed to point out in her rant (though I do agree with her wholeheartedly) is that Alaskans get free money every year. This year, we're looking at about $3300. Each.


kleinbeck said...

wait?!?!?! free money!?!??!

because you live in the TUNDRA?

hannah said...

Apparently, I live in the wrong state.

Jamie Lynn said...

Keep in mind, ladies, that he's added the $1,200 we're ALL getting from the government this year.

And, yes, we do get paid to live in Alaska. It's called oil. Hello $2,100 this year (though it's not always that much!)

Sarah said...

Wait, how did you get $1200 from the government this year? Do you have dependents I don't know about? ;)

tiapugh said...

amen sister!

lubke-moss said...

Ha ha! That sounds like something I'd get mad about.
There's a sign in the bathroom at work that says, "Please be considerate for others....". It's OF others, not FOR! It irritates me every time I use the bathroom. Though it doesn't cost me extra money, it is still annoying. Someday I'm gonna rip it down.
At the risk of hacking off many Northerners, I would have to say you would have to pay me to live anywhere above Nebraska - including Alaska. I don't do would definitely have to be more than $2100, too.