Thursday, October 30, 2008


For the past year or so I've been contemplating going back to school. I've found an interesting program, in which, oddly enough, an old classmate of mine has just enrolled. It's at a Jesuit university "not far"* from home and 95% of the classes are online. Seems perfect, no?

I was initially going to start this past September but then somebody went and proposed so it got pushed back to starting in January 2009. I've been talking with Heidi at Gonzaga and she really wants to help me get my files started...

Well, for some reason or another I've been conflicted about taking the plunge...

  • I sort of feel like I'm being pushed into going to grad school. Between my church and the endless contact from Heidi, I just feel like there's all this pressure and it's making me second-guess my choice in program
  • The Miller's Analogies Test kinda scares me even though you're only supposed to shoot for a 30%... YIKES
  • Never have I ever been so afraid of school and classwork and ::gasp:: homework! It's been so long do I still have the time-management/patience/skill to do that?!
  • MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. How in the world am I going to fork over $27K (we don't have) when my husband is also in grad school?
  • Will the pay increase be worth $27K in the next two years?

I guess it just seems like a big step...


*"not far" means Spokane, WA... everything is far away from Alaska but Washington State is as close as it gets :)


kleinbeck said...

I had major grad school anxiety last spring. I looked at Gonzaga, Fuller, etc. And the classes made me want to drill holes in my eye sockets. I'm not an org. leadership girl. (I know, not very Blankeian of me). I am more of a liberal arts, history and literature kind of girl. American (culture) studies actually.
I have no idea if I can afford grad school right now. I have no idea if I want to go full time or part time. I have no idea about a lot of things. But I know I want to go eventually, so I just keep knocking little things off of the barrier list.
The fewer barriers, the fewer excuses, the more compelling it is to knock the next thing off the list.
As for the gmat, I say just take it! Even if school isn't right for you at this moment, your scores will be okay for a few years.

lubke-moss said...

Ah the grad school delima. My only advice is do it before you have any kiddies (I am SO glad I did, because I don't think I'd ever do it now). I don't know HOW people raise children, work full time, AND go to school. I had several people in my class with families, and I never knew when, if ever, they saw them or spent time with them.
Keep praying about it. God will lead you where he wants.... :)

Unknown said...

Go for it! Your parents can help with the cost as long as it is not all up front. Plus scholarships may be available????

hannah said...

When are you going to talk about something OTHER than grad school?

New Post Please! :)

Moose-Tipping said...

I second Hannah, though she doesn't have much room to talk...