Monday, January 05, 2009

It's about time!

I'm sitting here waiting for my brand-new-fabulous-laptop to download both iTunes (because Lloyd hasn't been updated in over a year!) and a Wimba classroom for the classes I will soon begin via Gonzaga University. So, I figured I'd use this time to make Hannah, and whomever else follows this blog, happy.

Christmas vacation was... nice. Long, but nice. Spending time with my family is always wonderful. Sure it has its stress points but it's almost always great. But add to that the approximately five-quadrillion people who also chose Disney as their Christmas destination. Yikes. I'm pretty sure everyone in my family now has not only an aversion to but also a fear of strollers. ::shudder:: Crazy stroller pushin' people... you'd like to think you can go anywhere you'd like with your triple-side-by-side stroller BUT if someone is...
  • trying to pass you, you shouldn't weave to deter them;
  • walking toward you, you shouldn't aim for their feet;
  • walking behind you, you should not take up the whole friggin' walkway!
Ugh. Enough of that rant. Overall, Christmas was wonderful. We celebrated Jesus' birthday by listening to Steven Curtis Chapman read from Luke 2 during the "Processional of Lights" at Disney's EPCOT. Oh, and we also had birthday cake-- with LOTS of sprinkles! 

Gifts were wonderful. Fabulous sweaters, questionable jewelry, lots of movies, a pig (::squee::), a Dyson animal vacuum(!!!!) and this wonderful laptop from the hubs.

But now that Christmas is over and 2008 is gone, I'm getting ready for a VERY busy January. Here's what's coming up:
  • 1/5: Orientation for the online Organizational Leadership Master's Degree program
  • 1/8-11: Travel to Houston for the Youth Ministry Symposium 2008
  • 1/17-19: Homer Lock-In with my kiddos, hopefully in a brand-new 15-passenger van. Oh, and I'm leading all of the Bible studies (one guess as to if I've started that yet...)
  • 1/30-31: Youth Ministry Task Force meeting in Portland, Oregon.
And those are just the out-of-town things... mind you, I'm not complaining. Life is always a blessing no matter how busy. Now it's just a matter of getting through it all in -20 degree weather (with a slight break for Houston!)


hannah said...

Dude, in negative 20 degree weather, I wouldn't even leave the house.

Yay for the new vaccuum and laptop. That's super exciting.

PJ pants may be more of a late january presnt: Hannah's a slacker.

I'm sad you're going to houston and I'm not, but such is life. New Orleans this summer?

Jamie Lynn said...

New Orleans is definite. I may even go to the National DCE Conference in April... anyone?

Moose-Tipping said...

OK, it wasn't cake with sprinkles on it... it was more like SPRINKLES with a tiiiiny bit of cake underneath. Death by sprinkles. No kidding.

But I still enjoyed it.

Oh, and folks, she wasn't kidding about the strollers. Seriously, if you have a stroller and I have my Glock... watch out.