Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Lurking & Daemons

When I was little I read a lot of fantasy books. No, not that kind. Think sci-fi-esque fantasy books. I fell in love with "The Hobbit" and the Narnia series, both of which have recently been made into a movie or a series of movies. Now, I'm very excited that another one of these books has been made into a movie: The Golden Compass

In the book one of the most fantastical parts were the Daemon's that were basically a person's soul living outside ones body manifested into the form of an animal. When you're a child, your Daemon's form changes but as an adult it settles into a single form. Mine is below-- see if you agree:

Admittedly, I only found this 'quiz' by lurking in friends of friends blogs. Thanks, Jo for helping me find my Daemon! And I know there are lurkers out there reading my blog so I don't feel so bad for lurking on others :)


hannah said...

I read that book way back Junior year in college. Ang Onstine Harris recommended it to me. It was good, and I think part of a trilogy?

Jamie Lynn said...

Yep. Part of a trilogy. Pretty good from what I remember. It's been longer for me since I've read it but now that I've started "Harry Potter" I can't go back to read this one now. Maybe after the movie?