Wednesday, July 18, 2007

What was I thinking?!

Ever hear that country song about the little white tank top and the dad with the gun? Yeah. Love it. It's about being completely out of your mind... but loving every hood-sliding-like-Bo-Duke minute of it.

My "what was I thinking?!" moment? Two weeks in Florida. In July. With 18 teenagers. Wow. Don't get me wrong, I'm really very excited. I'm especially excited that [most] of my kids are excited. They're going to experience their first mission trip ever. My memory of my first trip (to Alaska, nonetheless) was extremely impacting. Not only that, they're going to experience the greatest of all great National Youth Gatherings. The 1998 Gathering is completely to blame for my choice of career changing from money-making-architect to money-less-DCE. (Well, you know, the Gathering and God... but whatever!)

Lots of loose ends to tie up considering we leave Friday morning and I'm having the other adult leaders over for dinner and booze (cough, cough) tomorrow night. Must. Go. Pack.

Oh. And I turn 25 Friday too. I'll be spending the entirety of the day in airplanes. Happy Birthday to me.


Ingrid said...

Happy pre-birthday, happy travels, happy packing, happy day! You and the St. John's kiddos are in my prayers as your trek to the NYG starts early with the mission trip. I hope to catch up with you while we're both in Orlando. :D

hannah said...

Happy Early Birthday!

I hope that you aren't stressing too too much as the Gathering gets closer. Much Much Closer.

Anywho. Love you and see you soon! (Next Friday at Trinity Downtown! Huzzah Showers!)

Moose-Tipping said...

So I can blame NYG for my girlfriend's lack of time/income? Good... :)

It still baffles me that you guys have booze at your church-related parties...