Tuesday, July 03, 2007

oh wheeeere is my desk?

{Name that song!}

I write to you today from the only 2' square section of my desk I can actually find. The rest of the seemingly large desk has yet to be found. With Vacation Bible School (VBS) happening last week, the whole "organized office" thing went to H-E-doublehockeysticks. And now that it's back to the grindstone, I have to reorganize this mess before I can start/finish work on my newsletter or the quickly approaching trip to Florida.

All in all, VBS went well. For us doing it in the evening without sending a community postcard, I'm pretty happy with our attendance of 60 kids and 70 volunteers. (Good ratio, huh?) I had fun. The volunteers had fun. And, most importantly, the kids had fun. They learned a lot about who God is (REAL! WITH US! STRONG! AWESOME! IN CHARGE! WAHOO!!!!) so I'm satisfied.

I've got lots to organize for our 2-week trip to Florida. Most everything is done I just need to make packets of information for my adult leaders and a phone list for all my participants and their parents. I need to buy tickets for SeaWorld and our "SURPRISE" destination. I need to finish counting the change in the Nalgene bottles, track the last of them down, wash them and stuff them with goodies. Not to mention the fact that I need to find clothes to wear down there. But I'm confident it will all come together in these 17 days we have before we leave.

Maybe come mid-August I'll find my desk.

PS I've decided I'm the dullest blogger ever. I don't tell funny stories and I'm not witty. Perhaps it's the Z-Pack I'm on for my bronchitis... is loss of sense of humor a side effect?


Ingrid said...

I promise, you are NOT the dullest blogger ever. I think my heart rate increased as I read through your to do list for this summer, sister. I feel ya! We're leaving for AK on Friday (woohooo, we hope to see you!) and then it's FL later this month. Good ol youth ministry at it's finest right, it's sheer chaos. :D I pray that you get everything done and are in good spirits, good health, and that you find some fun clothes to wear. ;)

lubke-moss said...

dullest blog ever? you have odviously not visited mine.....oh yeah...I'm not kidding.

Can't wait to see you and all the other CUNE crowd in just a couple of weeks! Good luck with all of your final preparations, and congrats on a successful VBS!