Thursday, December 02, 2004

Blessed Sinner, that's me!

I have come to realize that I am most likely one of the most blessed people in the great big world we live in. I mean seriously, nothing horribly bad has ever happened to me (knock on wood) and things that have happened that were heart-breaking or sad, I've learned from. I'm just astounded as to how much God has blessed my life and my experiences... I can't help sitting here thinking "something bad's gonna happen. something bad HAS to happen." simply because life can't be this great. :)

My trip "home" was great. (I say "home" because it's not really where I consider my home but it's where my parents are so that's "home" enough for me!) Once I got some antibiotics and kicked his illness I had been fighting for 2.5 weeks, things were great. I go to laugh so hard at my sister that I pulled a muscle (Gotta LOVE that!) My mommy bought me 5 pairs of pants that actually fit me properly so I'm extremely excited about that! Not to mention that she bought be a BEAUTIFUL winter coat too... it's an orange peacoat... it's beautiful. I realize that I'm spoiled but I guess that's a blessing too! Anywho, being able to see my family was wonderful and I'm looking forward to possibly going home for Christmas too BUT I was glad to finally get back to Alaska.

I guess Alaska is my home now. I missed it SO much when I was in California. Not just the people here but the place and the air... and the space... I missed it. Don't get me wrong, I love my family and California is great for them but I love Alaska. It's funny but 7 months ago I would never have thought I'd hear myself say that but I do, I LOVE ALASKA! :)

Good news from Jamie's life:

  • My friend Jen's romance is progressing nice and quickly. It's a good thing and I'm really very happy for her!
  • Hannah has had an epiphany much like mine so she's practicing patience. I got to talk and pray with Hannah last week and I realized just how much I miss that girl! And all my girls for that matter!
  • Talking to David last night, we discussed people we were thankful for and the first person that came to mind was Julianna. I mean, seriously people, I would be an emotional wreck without my vulcan friend Jules. I love her to death and can't wait to see her in January!
  • Finally, it's Brad's 21st birthday tomorrow! So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRADLEY!! I'll love you forever :)

Okay I think that's random enough for today's blog. I'll update later :)
