Wednesday, December 08, 2004

This is supposed to be easy?!

It's been a full week since I last updated this thing. Not only has it been 7 days but a lot has been happening up here in Alaska-land. Things at church are going well. Confirmation is starting to suck the life out of me and I'm starting to notice some pretty severe attitude problems in class... I need to work on that so if you can help in any way I'd be elated!

St John's has decided to extend an official full-time call to stay here after internship, which is very exciting... until I started to really think about what that meant. If it was just up to me, I'd stay. Period. I'd stay because I love it here... so much. Not only this place, this land, but this church is amazing and the people are great. But it's not just up to me. I need to consult the Big Man upstairs in a BIG WAY to make sure that this is where he wants me for the next 5+ years of my life.

The other night, David was asking me all sorts of questions pertaining to this very topic-- the call that is. And believe it or not, I think he's more concerned about me making the right decision than I am. He wanted to make sure that he wasn't in the way of my ministry with my kids. He wanted to make sure that he wasn't taking time away from them. He wanted to make sure that even though we're in this "great, new" relationship that I wouldn't allow him to affect my decision in staying or leaving. Overall, it was a GREAT conversation. It honestly helped me to begin processing a lot of things. (Plus, Hannah says he gets points for bringing it all up :))

I think I'm going to start compiling a pros/cons list about staying or leaving... maybe then it'll be a bit more clear. (Then again, Hannah did the same thing and got 14 pros + 14 cons = no help)

Well, I'll stop thinking with my blog and let y'all go.

I hope you have a wonderful Advent season-- remember, it's all about Jesus!!