Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Christmas & Call Jitters

In the morning I'm leaving for a brief stay with my family for Christmas. The Rockey's offered to drive me to the airport and I, of course, accepted as to avoid paying $45 to park my car for four days. Turns out that BOTH Josh (23) & Andy (21) are going to drive me... gee, am I excited or what? I'm thinking about making Mary (16) get out of bed to protect me from the proddings of her older, nosier brothers. We'll see how that goes.

Nonetheless, I'm excited to go home to see the family for Christmas. It'll be our first Christmas without my Grandma "B" and our first Christmas in 11 years not in St Louis so I'm sure it'll be an interesting weekend. Not only will I have some time with my family but I will also be able to (hopefully) get some work done on my lesson plans (adult Bible study, confirmation) and calendars (jan-june) so I'm looking forward to that.

Other news... On Sunday, St John's held a voter's meeting to vote on a proposed job description and salary for yours truly. Turns out it was a unanimous vote. No one said they didn't want me, which is nice; but I was kinda hoping at least one person would say "no" just for fun :) No such luck. As for my decision on the call, I have until February 1st to decide if I'm designating/staying here or if I'd like to look for other options elsewhere. I have made a "reasons to stay/reasons to go" list but that's proving to be more difficult than it's worth. Namely because some items are weightier than others so it's not the most effective way of making a decision. Really, I just need to take some time to pray about all of it more earnestly than I have been... then maybe God'll give me that burning bush I've been waiting for. :)

Oh! Oh! Today is Winter Solstice... Darkest day of the year. Starting tomorrow we GAIN daylight :) WAHOO! We loose 7 seconds tonight, gain 4 tomorrow and my mid-February it should be pretty close to what y'all outsiders experience everyday. No S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder) for me though :) Mostly thanks to my ever-busy schedule and GREAT people :) :) :)

Well, I hope each of you have an absolutely wonderful enlightening Christmas with your family and friends! Remember-- Jesus is the reason for the season! He's given us the greatest gift in the world-- eternal life & salvation... so what are you going to give Him in return? Think about it!


P.S. I just saw Finding Neverland yesterday... GREATEST MOVIE EVER!! I hightly recommend it!