Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Happy 101st Post to Me!

As I signed into blogger this evening, my dashboard alerted me to the fact that my previous post "Fine, Fine, Fine" was my first triple-digit entry. Thus, in an effort to make my second triple-digit entry a thoughtful one I decided to blog a bit about my friend Jesus.

For those of you who know me talking about Jesus is something that happens a lot-- call it what you will: a hazard of the job or a reflection of faith. Nevertheless He is something I adore talking about because of everything He's done for me. And, you know, He's done a lot for me these twenty-four years-- gently guided, protected, coerced, not-so-gently guided-- but the greatest thing He's done (yes, I'm going there) is celebrated this Friday.

At the risk of sounding morbid and grotesque, my favorite part of Lent, of Holy Week, of the year really is Good Friday. It's a day when we celebrate (yes, celebrate) the death of our Savior Jesus Christ. Now, don't worry, I'm not gonna get all "you have to love Jesus" on you because I'm not that kind of person*. I simply wanted to share why this day is my favorite day--

We didn't deserve it.
He didn't have to die for us.
He could have stopped at any point but he
chose to save us for a simple four letter word:


He loved us enough to leave His heavenly home to come to this awful place to grow up, go through potty-training and puberty and middle school (the worse possible thing... for us anyway) and He did it all without question, without hesitation. He had your name (mine too!) written on His heart while He was being crowned and flogged and nailed and lifted... He died for you and that is a beautiful thing. Remember that.

*I do whole-heartedly want all of my friends to believe in Jesus and His sacrifice because that's what brings us all to heaven together but really that's up to you and the Holy Spirit's leading.


Ingrid said...

Jaime...what a post! Thanks for writing it. I found your post through myspace (yup, I'm an internet stalker, sorry!) and I try to read it every once in a while.

So...on behalf of a fellow Christian...churchworker...etc. THANK YOU for writing this stellar post. Good Friday is my fav. part of Lent too and I'm happy to share the view with a like minded dear sister in Christ.

You, AK, your precious kids, and life in general remain in my prayers. See you in Orlando, dear!

Moose-Tipping said...

::clamor, clamor::

The masses clamor for an update!