Monday, April 02, 2007

Fine, Fine, Fine

Have you ever had a person in your life that is just so pesky and demanding it's a bit ridiculous? Someone who is always on your case? Someone who nags and nags about updating them on your life even though you see them weekly? Do you currently have a person like this in your life? I do.

It seems as though he believes since I actually took my day off today that I should have spent my day attached to my blog updated the world on my last week. Not much has happened really since I got the boot on my foot (which I HATE by the way.) Oh except for that bit of a mushing adventure I took with him on Sunday afternoon... I say that with disdain only because he's the one making me post on my day off NOT because I didn't enjoy myself... Anyway, here are some photos of my second adventure out on the Beach Lake trails:

There does exist a picture to prove just how eventful our trip actually was but he hasn't emailed it to me yet SO all you get are pictures of him for now. Evidently the dogs can tell when he's trying to impress me because they tend to "try to get away with more" when I'm around. But you know it was fun all the same. I'm really excited that he's excited about the upcoming Easter Fun Run this upcoming Saturday in Chugiak. It's just for fun and they're (he & Val Jokela) not expected to win BUT it's sure to be a fun time purely because he will be in (wait for it, wait for it) a bunny costume. Oh yeah. Cameras ready people. Mwah-ha-ha!

In other news, my dorkiness has once again reared its ugly head. And by dorkiness I mean my addiction to make-over, do-it-yourself, building-houses shows, stores and tools. Oh yes. Since the ripe old age of 8 I have been absolutely addicted to anything linked to This Old House or Frank Lloyd Wright or renovation or floorplans. No that's not a typo. EIGHT. As in years old. EIGHT. Ask my parents, they'll agree. Anyway, in the past week I've spent a lot of time in Home Depot buying supplies for the painting being done in the youth room at church. During one of my trips I spent the obligatory 15 minutes of waiting time while the paint was being mixed to wander the aisles and aisles of things I love-- appliances, flooring, cabinetry, hardware, lighting fixtures... oh I was in heaven! But I had to walk away from all of it... all of the things I was putting together in my head... all of the things I desperately wanted to purchase even though I have no need for a $300 chandelier... I had to walk away with only one gallon of blue paint. Sigh. Moral of the story: I want a house. Like really bad. I want a place where I can build walls, hang dry wall, paint, hang crown molding, lay flooring, hang cabinetry, install sinks and showers and toilets and appliances, buy furniture and lamps... well, you get the idea. Maybe someday when I'm rich I'll be able to buy the 5 acres of land I want and build that log cabin (that part is negotiable as long as I have a say in what the house looks like/is/has) and have the dog I want. But I have to wait for awhile until I'm able to afford it and until we figure things out.

Wow. Well, that was a long post. Hope that suffices for now, Moose-Tipping.


Moose-Tipping said...

My thoughts re: this entry--

1) I like how I am now apparently italicized. It gives an added air of importance that I so richly deserve.

2) You'll get your picture when I darn well please.

3) I still can't believe you watch "This Old House". You middle-aged man you.

4) I'm fine with a log cabin. In fact, my dream home is a log cabin on lots of land. (As long as I can have a lot of dogs.)

5) I am truly awesome. And what's more, you know it.