Sunday, January 21, 2007

Nothing FISH-y Here!

Just got back from spending a wonderful evening with a couple of my kiddos fellowshipping with the folks out at Lamb of God at FISH (Fellowship In Serving Him). When we first arrived, the doors were covered with the following:

"STOP! In order to enter, you must answer the following question:
What do we have to give when we follow Christ's footsteps?"
Inside the door was a poster with markers for us to write our response. The next sign read:
Read Philippians 4:4-6 then enter the Sanctuary in peace."

Inside the Sanctuary were four prayer stations with directions

  1. Write a prayer request you have and then pray for it and the others on the list.
  2. Write something you're thankful for God giving you and thank Him for them.
  3. Think about a prayer God has answered, write about it and say a prayer of praise.
  4. Write the names of those non-Christians in your life and pray for them.

After all the stations were complete, we gathered together to take a look at the answers the group wrote for that first question. By far, the most popular answer was "My Life" (or some variation thereof), which led into a conversation of what kind of sacrifices we make to live a life worthy of being called Christian.

Now, you might be thinking, "James, we don't need to do anything to have the title of 'Christian' besides having faith in Christ as our Savior." To that I say, absofreakinglutely. Agreed. But that's not what I'm talking about. Our faith in Jesus' sacrifice, and all that entails, needs nothing added to it. It's simply enough to believe BUT living this life as a reflection of Him requires some sacrifices:

Perhaps using the word "sacrifice" with the word prayer seems a bit odd (it does to me!) but think about the last time you earnestly prayed for those situations and people nearest and dearest to you... when was that? How long ago? I hate to admit it but, even though I pray on a daily basis for my kids and family and friends, the last time I took the time to earnestly pray for them was a REALLY long time ago-- and I sincerely apologize for letting y'all slowly drift to a mere afterthought! But, you know, all the things we discussed tonight have convicted me to make a change. Thus, my new year's resolution (a mere 21 days late!) is this:

  • To lift each of you up in prayer everyday;
  • To use the beautiful journal the Sutton family gave me for Christmas to keep track of those things for which I pray; and,
  • To keep in better touch with you so that I know what you need prayer for the most.

So, please, please, please help me to keep this resolution by letting me know anything with which you are struggling or praising via email or phone calls. I'd truly love to hear from each of you... and we'll see just how powerful God can truly be!

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7


hannah said...

good post and good resolution. I think that the best kind of friend is the friend to passionately commits to prayer. :)

Moose-Tipping said...

Just for the record (and this is completely unrelated to this post), you have listed the NFL football team St. Louis Rams under your links as, and I quote, "My Rammies".

I have a few issues with this:
1. You do not own them; therefore, they are not yours.
2. By calling them "Rammies", you take away any sort of machismo they may (or may not) have ever had. I'm pretty sure Kurt Warner left the team when he heard you calling them the "Rammies".

(I'm pretty sure I'm in trouble now, but I'm okay with that.)